The COST Mission was approved in 2018 by the decision-making body of the organisation, the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO), according to which:
COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges.
Our three strategic priorities:
Promoting and spreading excellence
Fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science
Empowering and retaining Young Researchers and Innovators
COST implements its mission by funding bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks for peaceful purposes in all areas of science and technology. COST Actions connect R&I communities from Europe and beyond, helping to closing geographical gaps and bridging the innovation divide. To complement, COST offers dedicated training and mentoring through the COST Academy to empower and retain researchers and innovators, with a special attention to Young Researchers and Innovators. COST is an incubator both for new projects and priorities with many Actions attracting follow-on research projects as well as identifying emerging topics through their bottom-up approach.