1st World Congress on Electroporation, Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies


The event is bringing together nearly 400 researchers from different disciplines, involved in basic research or developing applications based on electroporation and the use of high intensity pulsed electric fields.

The aim is to create an environment stimulating interdisciplinary interactions, to present latest achievements and demonstrate current knowledge. With this major event, the EP4Bio2Med Action is strengthening the existing international cooperation in the field and is setting up new networking opportunities for researchers, regardless of their career stage or gender. A feature that the network takes pride in is its inclusiveness, as the Action counts participation from 39 countries.

Electroporation can be successfully used to deal with the world’s current most pressing challenges related to health, food, energy and environment. Increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy, gene therapy, food processing, and biotechnological processes are only a few of its possible applications.

To learn more details, please visit the congress website and the COST Action EP4Bio2Med website.