Creating the perfect COST birthday cake


Creating the perfect COST birthday cake

Recipe for success

  • 1 spoon of curiosity
  • 1 kg passion and hunger for science
  • 500g of community
  • 1 cup of equal opportunities
  • 500 g of multidisciplinarity
  • Crystalizing new approaches – to taste
  • Hand gathered, rich new information
  • A plate of shared knowledge mixed with stakeholder best practices
  • 1 large pinch of ingenuity
  • A good dash of multicultural (all spice) innovation and collaboration
  • 1 cup of assorted complementary sprinkles
  • 500 g of bittersweet hard work
  • 1 packet of collaboration icing sugar paste
  • 2l of internationalization
  • 250 g Connecting people
  • 250 g Opportunities
  • 250 g Step by step
  • 250g  Trans-disciplinarity
  • 2Kg of future colleagues and friends


  • Take 1 programme matured to perfection for 50 years
  • Sieve out admin constraints
  • Give generous proofing time for effective mind storming
  • Whilst Action is proofing, crystalize new approaches
  • Prepare the scientific cooperation bowl
  •  Add all the ingredients into the COST Action mixer
  • Season with a good dash of multicultural (all spice) innovation and collaboration to taste
  • Bake for 4 years

Et voila, the best COST cake!

The finished result

President Alain Beretz cutting the 50 years cake

Above: President of the COST Association, Prof. Alain Beretz cuts the 50 years birthday cake

Alternative recipes

Enjoyed making this cake? In our November newsletter, we will share some alternative recipes with you, including the perfect Austrian COST cake! The newsletter will also include many wonderful memories sent by our community of their time at COST or participating in COST Actions.

You can sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of the page through the Stay Connected box, or you can see the newsletter in the news section of our website when it is released.

Further reading

Read Celebrating 50 years of COST by President of the COST Association, Alain Beretz

Visit the special edition 50 years website

View the COST timeline