In Memoriam - COST Vice-President, Tea Darka Glažar


In Memoriam – COST Vice-President, Tea Darka Glažar

Tea Glazar

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our COST Vice-President, Tea Darka Glažar, who was a strong advocate of COST, a supportive and committed leader, a dear colleague and friend. 

Between 2016 and 2019, Tea served as advisor to the Minister for International Relations and European Affairs at the Slovenian Ministry of Education Science and Sport. Later, she was the Secretary of the Science Division, within the Science Directorate at the ministry. Alongside many other international and EU roles, she was a delegate of the Republic of Slovenia to the CERN Financial Committee and adviser for Slovenia to the CERN Council. She was also Vice-President of the Board of the Association for the support of the Southeast European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST). 

Tea has a long and distinguished legacy in shaping and guiding the COST programme. She has been an active Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) delegate for Slovenia since 2014 and was an Executive Board member from 2017 onwards. In 2019, she rose to the challenge of Vice-President and was unanimously elected to the position in November 2019 as Chair of the Executive Board (EB). As Chair of the EB she collaborated closely with the last three COST Presidents. 

She was deeply involved in COST at the highest level, putting COST in the limelight: reaching out to the research community and to Ministers through organising different types of Info Days in Slovenia, and memorable EB meetings. She contributed her vast experience to several CSO Working Groups. 

At COST, we have fond memories of her as an extremely dedicated person, who with her kindness and invaluable expertise will be forever embedded in the history of COST and its success as a programme. 

Our gratitude for her contribution to the growth and development of СОЅТ as its Vice-President is immeasurable. Tea will be remembered for her spontaneity and her enthusiasm for COST and above all, her incredible commitment to the research community.  

Tea, COST will most certainly miss you. 

Read more about Tea and her role as Vice-President, in this interview conducted with her for the 2019 Annual Report.