Promoting the value of COST - Serbia Info Day


Serbia has a long history of involvement with the COST Programme, having first joined as part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 2001. Researchers from the country participate in 83% of running COST Actions, with 3 Vice-Chairs, 11 Short Term Scientific Mission Coordinators (STSM) and 22 Working Group leaders.

Over 100 people attended the Info Day at the University of Belgrade

Following welcome speeches from Prof. Dr Vladimir Bumbaširevi?, Rector of the Belgrade University and Prof. Dr Viktor Nedovi?, assistant ministry in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, attendees heard from Prof. Eva Kondorosi, Vice President European Research Council about ‘Strengthening Europe’s Science Base.’

Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, President of the COST Association, withSerbian Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mr. Šar?evi? andProf. Eva Kondorosi, Vice President European Research Council

COST President Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, addressed the audience, explaining ‘the role of COST in the European Research Area (ERA), highlighting the importance of COST in promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and boosting the careers of young researchers.’

Participants at the Info Day also heard first hand testimonials and learnt how they could participate, including how to write a successful proposal.