Towards research funding: Polish NCP Network present benefits of COST


COST were invited to present at the 4 th Meeting of the Polish NCP (National Contact Points) Network, held in Brussels on the 21 st November. The meeting entitled COST towards Framework Programmes, was organised by the Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU, in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union.

The aims of COST and the benefits available to researchers if they join COST Actions were outlined during the event, including how COST Actions support and increase participation in European Framework Programmes for researchers from Inclusiveness Targeted Countries (ITC).

COST Director, Ronald de Bruin led a panel discussion on COST and its role in Framework Programmes. During the discussion, he highlighted the impact of COST and the possibilities for researchers from Poland, who are currently involved in 87% of the 352 running COST Actions.

Panel discussion in action – COST Director, Ronald de Bruin (centre)

European science, research and innovation policy was also outlined, along with the opportunities offered by Horizon 2020 for individual researchers and research organisations, in particular from ITC countries.

COST Director, Ronald de Bruin stated, “It is an important moment as Poland is the first of the COST Members to organisededicated training to NCPs about COST. Strengthening the cooperation between NCPs and COST National Coordinators is essential in achieving COST’s goal of increasing active participation of researchers from ITC’s in COST Actions”