Czech Republic Info Day


The Czech Republic has a long history of involvement with the COST Programme having joined as part of Czechoslavakia in 1991, before becoming an independent COST member in 1993. Since 2012, the number of participants from Czech national institutes taking part in COST Action networking activities, such as meetings, short-term scientific missions and training schools has almost doubled.

Participants at the COST Info Day in the Czech Republic.

Deputy Minister for Research and Higher Education, Dr. Pavel Dole?ek began the Info Day by giving an introductory speech, welcoming participants. Participants then learnt more about the work of the COST Programme and how they could join or propose European research activities through COST Actions. Event attendees heard first hand accounts regarding the benefits of taking part in COST Actions, as well as learning about the evaluation and national support measures in place.

Left to right: COST Director, Ronald de Bruin, Deputy Minister for Research and Higher Education,Dr. Pavel Dole?ek and Christer Halen, Senior Administrator, Science Operations.

COST Director, Ronald de Bruin said of the “This COST Info Day in Prague serves the Czech Research and innovation community in successfully engaging in excellent European collaborative research.”