COST Director Ronald de Bruin travels to FYR Macedonia to strengthen scientific participation


Director Dr Ronald de Bruin travelled to FYR Macedonia as part of a COST Info day for the country’s research community last week. Whilst in FYR Macedonia, the COST director met with the State Secretary for Education and Science, Aneta Trpevska to discuss ways to increase participation of the Macedonian research community in COST-funded activities. Also at the meeting on the 14 th September were Ljubica Karamandi, Advisor to the Minister for Education and Science, Zoran Popovski, member of the CSO, Aleksandar Tutnovski, COST National Coordinator and Violeta Atanasovska, Horizon 2020 National Coordinator.

The following day, COST, working in close cooperation with the FYR Macedonian Ministry for Education and Science, held an Info Day in Skopje for the Macedonian research community. The event attracted more than 100 researchers and academics from across the Country, who learnt how they could participate in COST Actions and how, by doing so, could broaden their research networks. Attendees of the event also found out about measures to increase participation in COST Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs), which are less research-intensive COST Member States.

Above: Over 100 researchers and academics from across Macedonia attended the event.

The event was well received by attendees including Biljana Gjoneska, MD, PhD, “having you as guests at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts was really pleasurable and very valuable learning experience.”

Photographer -Ivan Blazhev