Inspiring participation - Cluj Info Day


Attendees of the event, many of whom were early career researchers, learnt about the COST Programme and how they could participate, including proposing their own COST Actions.

Participants hear first-hand accounts from COST Action members

Prof. Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babe?-Bolyai University, explained her motivations for setting up her first Action: European Phosphorus Sciences Network.

“The Action was founded when the smartest, old brains of European phosphorous science could not find relevant challenges to their talent and moved out of Europe. The Action aimed to mobilise the remaining scientists of the field. It provides a good opportunity for younger researchers to meet and work in other labs.”

She continued by expressing her sense of pride at the reaction of her colleagues and the COST Action participants; who experience high levels of satisfaction through being involved. Prof. Silaghi-dumitrescu stressed the importance of dissemination to “show you exist, put you and keep you on the map.”

To a question she answered: To team up with other ITCs is sometimes difficult if you don’t know who to team up with but “You always can find a group that can be attracted and can grow.”

Prof Csaba László DÉGI, from COST Action Cancer and Work Network (CANWON) said “COST was very courageous to support completely new topics.” He stressed that COST Actions are open to participation and researchers/scholars can join a COST network at anytime. “This is excellent for generating and realising ideas.”

Being part of a COST Action meant having an article published in a peer reviewed journal on cancer and work. It also enabled Action members to be part of and sign a “Call to Action to enhance labour opportunities for people with chronic diseases” in November 2017.

He surmised, “COST doesn’t really end, the ideas generated in a COST Action will continue to make changes after the official closing date. Personally I learnt more and discovered a new avenue of my main research topic.”