Two-time Pulitzer-winning journalist Sheri Fink to keynote at Disaster Bioethics Action conference


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Dr Fink won thePulitzer Prize winner in 2010 for her coverage of hurricane Katrina and in 2014 for reporting on the Ebola viru s.Other keynote speakers include representatives fromDoctors without Borders,International AIDS Vaccine Initiative India and theUnited Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

The conference will present the Action\’s work and main findings. The network includes 120 members from 28 European countries spanningacademia, nongovernmental and internationalorganisations. Theyused real-life cases to show the ethical challenges that humanitarian aid workers come against when faced with disaster situations. Their aim was to help disaster responders take ethical decisions when there is no ideal answer, like in the case of triage.

Researchers in the network also developed training material and guidelines meant to h elp aid workers deal with stress and moral distress when deciding to treat some people and others not, given the available resources. Harmonising guidelines would help avoid conflict in areas where, for instance, approaches to triage decisions may differ.In January 2016, at the request of UNISDR and UNESCO, the Action helped organise an ethics event in Geneva at the implementation conference for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

The Action\’s final event addressesethics professionals and staff from nongovernmental organisations and international organisations, as well as policy-makers at both national and international level.

The draftprogramme will be updated shortly.

Registration details are available on the Action\’s website.

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