Tallinn Info Day


On Friday 7th September, over 100 researchers gathered for the COST Info Day at the Estonian Academy of Sciences in Tallinn to discover how they could participate in COST Actions.

In recent years, participation in COST Actions by Estonian researchers has steadily increased from 30% in 2012, to 60% in 2017. Estonia researchers hold a number of leading roles within running Actions including 3 Vice-Chairs, 2 Short Term Scientific Mission coordinators and 10 Working Group leaders. However, it is hoped to grow participation levels and the number of Estonian researchers in leadership roles to an even greater number.

Photo: Over 100 researchers attended the COST Info Day in Tallinn.

During the Info Day, attendees learnt more about the work of COST, the importance and impact of networking and how COST Actions promote and spread excellence within research and development. Practical advice was also given to attendees on how researchers could prepare proposals for new Actions, or participate in currently running Actions. Prof Anu Toots and Prof Jaanus Harro spoke of best practices as well as their personal experiences of taking part in an Action.

COST Info Day Tallinn

Photo: Chair of the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu, Aadu Must and COST President, Prof Dr Sierd Cloetingh

COST President, Prof Dr Sierd Cloetingh stated during his presentation that ‘COST is committed to promoting and spreading excellence all over Europe and beyond while fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and boosting the careers of young researchers.’