Bratislava Info Day


Over 100 participants attended the COST Info Day at the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava on 7 February 2019, to discover how they could participate in pan-European research networking.

Ronald de Bruin, COST Info Day Bratislava

Director of the COST Association, Ronald de Bruin addresses attendees at the Bratislava Info Day.

During the Info Day, attendees learnt more about the work of COST, the importance and impact of networking, and how COST Actions promote and spread excellence within research and development. Participants were encouraged to benefit from all of the opportunities available to them, with practical advice given on how they could participate in currently running Actions and how they could propose their own future Actions.

Personal accounts of COST Action participation:

Dr Vlasta Zavisova, shared her experience of participating in COST Action, Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia and Indirect Radiation Therapy (RADIOMAG) and how this led to subsequent funding from Horizon 2020.

Dr Giuseppe Lugano, who is involved with 3 Actions (TU1305  CA15212 CA16222) and is a senior researcher at the University of Zilina, explained to attendees how COST had boosted his research career. He also shared his account on Twitter to inspire even greater numbers of researchers to be proactive and participate.

Dr Giuseppe lugano at COST Info Day Bratislava


Watch a video of the speakers here