Info Day in Turin - Italy participates in 99% of COST Actions


On Thursday 27 June, researchers and innovators attended the COST Info Day at the University of Turin, Italy. Around 60 participants, mainly from universities and research institutes situated in the North of Italy, came to the event to learn more about the COST programme and how to get involved in COST Actions.

The National Coordinator for Italy, Dr Valentina Cardinale, together with the Scientific Committee member Prof. Piermaria Corona, provided input on the Italian participation in COST Actions and the national nomination and the selection procedure. Italy is one of the most active countries in COST, they participate in 99% of the COST Actions.

Personal accounts of COST Action participation

Dr Lara Pajewski, Chair of Civil engineering applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), stated:

“This COST Action was the first project that I proposed, coordinated and managed. It was a life-changing experience that helped me to develop my career, my personal and professional skills.”

She also added that this experience showed her the importance of communicating scientific findings to non-specialist audiences.

Two more Action Chairs contributed to the session: Prof Christina Prandi, Chair of Strigolactones: biological roles and applications, and Prof. Roberta Fruttero, Chair of New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors.


Picture: attendees during the Informative Day at the University of Turin.