COST Actions fight against climate change


In context of the UN Youth Climate Summit on 21 September 2019 and UN Climate Action Summit on 23 September 2019, we want to join the movement by highlighting the work done by some of our Actions in the fight for climate change. Here we share a series of success stories that portray in a very illustrative way how COST Actions contribute to tackling climate change:

Solar power – less means more about COST Action StableNextSol

Growing insight into the future of mixed forests about COST Action EuMIXFOR

Nurturing sustainable bio-based construction about COST Action Performance of Bio-based Building Materials

Building up EU standards on timber design about COST Action Basis of structural timber design – from research to standards

Green-energy landscapes – solution to a dilemma about COST Action RELY

Cell collaboration makes a splash about COST Action ARBRE-MOBIEU

A new dimension to innovative cell research about COST Action CellFit

Generating energy for photon research about COST Action Nanoscale Quantum Optics

COST network makes lasting impact on carbon-saving standards about COST Action LCUBE

Doors opening across Europe thanks to tree talk about COST Action Climate Change and Forest Mitigation and Adaptation in a Polluted Environment