COST Connect - The Green Deal


On Thursday 02 July, an online COST Connect session on the Green Deal was held. The event joined together COST Actions with expertise from the European Commission to discuss the future needs of EU research under Horizon Europe in order to make the Green Deal a success.

Due to the diversity of COST Actions present, a wide variety of topics were discussed during event breakout sessions, including circular cities, air quality, ecosystems, woodlands, etc. A key finding of these discussions was the importance of collaboration in tackling climate change, particularly through implementing a multi and interdisciplinary approach. Discussions also focused on potential stakeholders for initiatives, most notably policymakers, city governments and industry, however the difficulties of integrating industry was noted as a barrier.  Participants also noted the gradual change in research calls to wider topics, the need for sensible and equitable distribution of funds and the appreciation of being able to network with COST Actions.

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Above: A presentation slide from REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy 


In total 54 participants from 20 COST Actions attended the event, which marked the first time COST Connect has been held in a digital format.

During the event, Sven Schade from DG Research and Innovation presented the European Commission’s viewpoint on the Green Deal, alongside presentations from 6 COST Actions* who had participated in an online consultation launched by the DG on the Green Deal. The participants could enjoy deeper discussions in smaller break-out rooms. One participant exclaimed that it had been “the most lively meeting I have participated in recently.”

COST Connect

COST Connect is a series of thematic workshops organised by the COST Association, which provide an open space for researchers, policy makers and research and innovation (R&I) stakeholders to network and grow their ideas. It brings together a broad set of actors from the European Research Area (ERA) and beyond with the aim to stimulate and strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships.

The interactive format of the COST Connect events encourages dialogue and active engagement and the creation of synergies among participants. This event concept contributes actively to reduce fragmentation and to make research more efficient by avoiding duplication of activities.


* Read more about the COST Actions who presented

European Network for Environmental Citizenship

Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forests for Water)

Genome editing in plants- a technology with transformative potential

REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy 

Knowledge conversion for enhancing management of European riparian ecosystems and services

Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems


Further information

Green Deal call of H2020 

Event listing – COST Connect session on the Green Deal

Find out more about COST Connect