Presenting the COST programme - 13th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change


Prof. John Bartzis explained the importance of the COST programme in acting as a gateway for entering EU Framework Projects and the added value it generates for innovative research and development.

On Friday 09 October, Prof. John Bartzis, Executive Board Member of COST and COST National Representative for Greece, presented the COST programme at the 13th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change, which was held at the National and Kapodistrian Universty of Athens, Greece. The full conference took place between the 07-09 October and was organised by the Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA) UNAI hub for SDG7, under the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), and the UNAI.

Prof. Bartzis was invited to speak at the “Brokerage Session” which brought together scientists, policy makers and market stakeholders. The concept of the session was a presentation of projects and programmes, including discussions around funding opportunities in the context of Horizon 2020 and an exploration of how to increase cross-interaction on innovative ideas and cooperation for topics of common importance.

Above: A slide from the presentation

During his presentation Prof. Bartzis explained the overall ideology and infrastructure of the COST programme, including the background, reach and scope of COST Actions, as well as giving practical tips on how researchers and innovators could join running research networks. Prof. Bartzis then explained how COST Action funding worked and the activities that funding covers, including an overview of the many networking tools available.

Prof. Bartzis said of the event, “I have participated in the “Brokerage event” which concerned mainly the presentations of the forthcoming calls, followed by discussions for cooperation and submission of proposals under existing international and European funding programs (Horizon Europe, COST, LIFE, Interreg etc).The event has been opened by our Deputy Minister in which the General Secretariat on Research and Technology belongs and handles COST in the national level.”

More information on the event

The Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA) is an academic research institute within the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In October 2018 it was appointed, out of 1300 universities and colleges members of the UNAI, as the exclusive UNAI hub for the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Simultaneously, it is the coordinator of the “BSEC-Green Energy Network” and the “PROMITHEAS Network”.

The activities of KEPA although cover a wide range of topics, starting from energy geopolitics, regional energy markets, the promotion of energy investments and trade, during the last years they are focused on Climate Change (CC) and Green Economy. Emphasis is placed on knowledge transfer and capacity building for Energy Efficiency (EE), Smart Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), development of low carbon policy mixtures, incorporation of behavioral patterns in energy modelling and EE forward looking policies.

As a UNAI hub for SDG7, KEPA is promoting the following initiatives: Energy Poverty Initiative, Establishment of “Regional Center of Excellence” for Smart NZEB, the Switch to less GHG emitting fuels (EE, RES, Natural Gas) in municipalities, the engagement of youth in EE and CC innovative actions, regionally and the engagement of Academia

Further information links

Information about Prof. John Bartzis:

Link to the Executive Board

Link to the Committee of Senior Officials


Information about the event:

Conference speakers

Event agenda