Eastern Partnership Panel on Research and Innovation


“COST is one of the most important tools for the Eastern partnership countries”

The 8th meeting of the Eastern partnership panel on research & innovation was held (virtually) in Brussels, on Thursday 10 December 2020.The EaP Panel R&I Annual meeting deals with EU4Innovation and Roadmaps to the European Research Area as outlined in Deliverable 20 of the 20 Deliverables for 2020. The event’s agenda provided attendees the opportunity to gain insight into recent developments with the EU – Eastern partnership relations, to learn how research and innovation is supported in the Eastern Partnership countries and to have an overview of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), as well as to hear the latest information about Horizon Europe and the association process.

During the event information was shared about Cooperation opportunities, such as COST, between the EU and EaP partner countries on COVID19 related research and innovation actions. In her presentation, Ms Katalin Alföldi, policy officer of the COST Association explained to attendees, how they could get access to COST Actions and emphasised the growing engagement by researchers from the region in COST Actions.

Participating in COST

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine are all Near Neighbour Countries to COST, while the Republic of Moldova is a full Member of the COST Association. Research communities from these countries participate in 75% of running COST Actions, with a notable increase in both participation and proposal rates over the last year.

“COST is one of the most important tools for the Eastern partnership countries” Ruta ZARNAUSKAITE, Head of Unit, unit 0.5, DG R&I, EU Commission)

Further information

Event website 

MSCA Actions

COST Global Networking

COST Members page