The main objectives of COST Action B19 were to build up a network among scientists and laboratories involved in molecular cytogenetic research of solid tumours and diagnostic services, where applicable, to produce synergic efforts towards the development of new reagents and technologies for the analysis of different tumour types and the subsequent transfer of important breakthroughs into diagnostic services to improve on speed and efficiency of tests with prognostic and diagnostic value, as well as monitoring tumour progression and responses to therapeutic intervention. The interaction between members of COST B19 led to the development of a web page ( and the launching of a database of departments/laboratories in Europe involved in molecular cytogenetics of solid tumors, previously lacking from Europe. This directory is of paramount importance and constitutes the source of important documents and recommendations till to complete guidelines to be employed in the diagnostic services and research. The database is continuously updated and contained information serves a number of purposes: * Initiate collaborative cytogenetic studies related to specific tumor types, in particular rare tumors, in order to be able to collect a sufficient number of cases to permit valid conclusions as regards the cytogenetic profile and/or specific rearrangements. * Initiate collaborative molecular genetic studies in order to characterize recurrent structural cytogenetic aberrations at the molecular level. * Initiate collaborative clinical studies on associations between genetic changes and clinical parameters, including response to therapy and survival, requiring large patient materials treated uniformly in order to obtain sufficient statistical power in the analyses. * Exchange of materials and experience on technical procedures to overcome problems inherent in the preparations of specific tumour types, e.g., culture conditions, media compositions, cell lines. * Establish networks of scientists interested in specific tumour types, including exchange of young scientists. The web page contains also important statistical data (available on line at The different hyperlinks created within the page boost the connectivity between interested members in Europe. The fruitful contacts and collaborations are attested by a total of ~250 joined publications and have favoured scientific discussion on common research themes which are under proposal in the seventh EU framework programme, with the view of creation of joint proposals. Additional benefit within COST B19 stems from (1) the strengthening of COST Action workgroups with manufacturers selling reagents for molecular cytogenetics and (2) the contact of the Action’s Workgroups with European committees for bioethics. It is important to note that some members of the Action participate in the European Leukemia Net, a large European Consortium of the FP6 framework.
Genome resources;
* Molecular cytogenetic technology;
* Molecular cytogenetics of solid tumours (including the major tumour types);
* Molecular cytogenetics of carcinomas;
* Genetic predisposition to cancer.
Participation of industry stimulates economic development of these scientific goals and helps to defi ne needs of biotechnological industrial development.