The main objective of the COST Action B29 is to identify the best definition and
characterisation of COPD-Exac and their role in the natural history of COPD with the key
purpose to better understand COPD-related morbidity and mortality.
Secondary objectives are: a) the definition of clinical, functional and biological outcomes to
assess therapeutic strategies in management programmes; b) a more detailed understanding of
underlying pathogenic mechanisms and aetiological factors; c) the optimisation and
integration of treatment and preventive strategies in order to reduce the social and personal
burden of the abrupt events, with integration of these preventive determinants in
comprehensive management programmes for COPD; and, d) new models of patient centred
health care by implementation of optimal self-management and substitution of care.
The major benefit of this concerted effort is the improvement of patient care, management and
treatment of COPD-Exac. Such an ambitious goal can have a major beneficial impact on
mortality and morbidity.