Marine biodiversity varies over large scales of time and space, and requires a research strategy beyond the tradition/capabilities of classic research. Research that covers these scales requires a permanent international pan-European network of observation stations with an optimized and standardized methodology. In EMBOS the needed large-scale network of research locations in Europe will be installed to assess long-term changes in marine biodiversity and their possible causes taking into account natural and anthropogenic gradients, and EMBOS will extend and optimize this observatory system, including novel interdisciplinary approaches for research. The cooperation leads to a focused and cost effective long term research agenda for EU marine observatories, and contributes to ERA, LIFEWATCH and GEOSS/GEOBON actions, and supports legal obligations of the EU regarding the CBD, OSPAR and Barcelona conventions as well as EU directives (Bird and Habitat Directive, WFD, MSFD, ICZM).
Marine biodiversity - standardized cost-effective monitoring system - observatory network - Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Integrated Coastal Zone Management