Recently physicists have extended ideas of atoms and lattices to more generalized concepts of agents and networks and are facilitating new understanding of systems traditionally the province of other disciplines. Applications include, for example, competition between firms, mergers and acquisitions, evolutionary dynamics, cultural change and transportation networks. Set to undergo a renaissance in the 21st century, the area of complexity, rooted in statistical physics and probability theory is at the core of these developments. Better understanding in these areas will provide routes to greater social stability and economic well-being across an increasingly networked world. The Action will promote discussion and research across the physical and sociological disciplinary divide by providing a platform from which the participating researchers can develop important, new and substantial research initiatives aimed at tackling these key trans-disciplinary issues. Overall the Action will provide a unique forum for physicists and mathematical scientists to share leading-edge knowledge, experience and build up a common language with economists, social scientists, industry and government. Keywords: Complexity, competition, cooperation & conflict, self organization, emergence, extreme events.
Complexity - competition - cooperation & conflict - self organization - emergence - extreme events.