The main objective of the Action is to harmonise the descriptors for airborne and impact sound insulation between dwellings and for airborne sound insulation of facades as well as to prepare a European classification scheme with a number of quality classes. In Europe, regulatory requirements concerning acoustic performance of buildings differ widely in performance descriptors and limit values. The diversity (indicators, steps between classes, grade of quietness achieved, etc.) found in the nine existing national schemes and proposals in three more countries is an obstacle for exchange of experience, development and trade. The harmonization of such descriptors and performance levels of sound insulation classes is important to make progress and would be well received by the building industry, governments and research sectors. The Action will stimulate innovation, support sustainability through simplified research and development objectives, reduce trade barriers between Member States and facilitate marketing. Coordination of research activity, knowledge transfer, psychoacoustic evaluation, collection of data of typical and high performance acoustic solutions is necessary to make progress.
Building acoustics - dwellings - legislation and sound classification - social surveys - design guidelines