Cities are the future. In 2008, the percentage of people living in urban areas surpassed those living rural communities. These trends are expected to continue; the United Nations estimates that over 70% of the world’s population will be living in towns and cities by 2050.
Not surprisingly cities elicit ever greater attention from government, researchers, and industry. Many of the initiatives focus upon the efficient use of resources and carbon reduction in response to climate change such as Europe 2020 and the European Covenant of Mayors commitment to energy efficiency. Likewise the “Smart City” concept offers a similar if somewhat broader vision of a more efficient city. The focus upon smarter and more efficient cities is important, but incomplete. It is important that cities be sustainable and pleasant to live within.
Against this background, the Action builds on an ESF exploratory workshop on the emerging theme of smart and liveable cities. Supported by a European network of candidate cities, the Action co-ordinates a trans-disciplinary network of experts and non-experts that investigate the alignment of the hardware and software of a city with user needs to promote well being, good health, and a sustainable use of resources, within an evolving people-centred consultation framework for economic, cultural, and political development.
Smart and Liveable Cities - Collaborative Urbanism - Trans-disciplinary Network - Digital Data - City Sounding Board.