Ankara Info Day - Promoting the value of COST


Over 300 Turkish researchers and innovators keen to learn about the COST Programme, attended the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Info Day in Ankara, on Tuesday 21 January. The event was organised by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye and  held at the TÜBİTAK Headquarters.

turkish researchers at cost info day ankara

The COST Programme is an important tool for Turkish researchers and innovators; who participate in 80% of running Actions.

During the welcome address, President of TÜBİTAK, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal explained to participants that COST was a ‘shortcut to EU grants’ and a place where ‘co-creation between researchers, stakeholders and companies can lead to great scientific results and outcomes.’

TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal at COST Info Day Ankara

Above: TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal addresses participants at the COST Info Day in Ankara

Attendees discovered the role of COST in promoting and spreading excellence, the impact of networking and how to participate in Actions. Personal accounts of career development were given by Action members before a question and answer session.

Following the Info Day, President of the COST Association, Prof. Paulo Ferrão, visited the Middle East Technical University and spoke with professors and researchers involved in COST Actions.

Turkish participation in COST Activities: 

Türkiye is a founding Member of COST, joining in 1971, along with 18 other countries. The country is now the biggest Inclusiveness Target Country, with researchers from the country holding a number of prominent Action roles such as, Vice-Chair, STSM Coordinators and Working Group Leaders.

For many researchers, participation in COST Activites acts as a stepping-stone to other European funding programmes, such as Horizon 2020. In 2018 this led to EUR 480 million in follow-up funding for Action participants.

Additional support for COST participants: 

Türkiye is actively committed to supporting participation in European Cooperation in Science and Technology, maintaining national funding exclusively dedicated for participation in COST Actions. When Turkish MC members are nominated to COST Actions, they can receive up to EUR 110.000 for additional R&D expenditure.

Further links:

Read an associated news article by TÜBİTAK

Event programme

Türkiye COST Member page