Borrowing nature's brightest idea


Photosynthesis is one of the most important biochemicalprocesses, ” explains Dr Giuseppina Rea of the Instituteof Crystallography in Rome. It is responsible for mostof the oxygen on our planet, also providing the food andthe energy behind humans’ activities.

Scientists have been working to understand thecomplex fundamental science behind photosynthesisin the hope of capturing its secrets and mimicking it.Dr Rea led COST Action PHOTOTECH , which broughttogether an international research network of leadingscientists and early-stage researchers involved in thedevelopment of photosynthesis-based devices.

PHOTOTECH researchers

Photo: PHOTOTECH group at the Action\’s final conference

The primary focus was on the development of biosensorsthat can detect pollutants – such as pesticides and heavymetals – which interfere with photosynthesis.

When these contaminants are present, the light-inducedelectron transfer is slowed down. This modification canbe measured by photosynthesis-based biosensors. Thenetwork has designed two biosensors prototypes thatsense changes in the photosynthesis process and couldbe used in industry.

In particular, researchers have shown that the photosyntheticcomplexes can be stably integrated with non-biologicalelectronic components (bio-hybrids) enablingthe measurement of light-induced photocurrents.

The main achievement of our Action was the developmentof a class of bio-organic-inorganic hybrids to be used indevices for environmental monitoring and agrifood qualityanalysis, ” says Dr Rea.

The network has generated novel bio-sensing elementsfor the detection of herbicides exploiting the power ofmolecular engineering to improve the performance of photosynthetic complexes. The scope of the Action broadened as the networklearned more about the potential for using the developedphotosynthetic biotechnology to produce green energy.“ Newly developed bio-hybrids were stable and efficientenough and could be the basis for the developmentof clean energy devices, ” says Dr Rea. “ There is a bigopportunity to use novel natural or bio-mimetic systemsto produce electricity or hydrogen. This area is reallyexciting and has huge potential.

The network has developed photosynthesis-based bio-photovoltaics and bio-photoelectrochemical cells that can harness energy from light.

Members are also working on the large-scale cultivation ofmicroalgae, which may provide a cleaner, greener sourceof food, feed and bio-fuels. This will be the subject of afuture COST Action.“ This addresses what the bio-based economy is callingon researchers to deliver,” Dr Rea says.“ It could havevery important applications and is based on decades offundamental photosynthesis research.

During the four-year Action, the Action organised arange of networking activities, including 30 interactiveshort-term scientific missions, which helped to shareknowledge among the research community. Basedon these exchanges, 45 papers were produced, andseveral applications for national and internationalprojects have been approved. Examples include”NANOBIO”, a joint research project (2015-2017) betweenCNR-Italy and RFBR Russia.Given the pressing need for sustainable sources of energyand food, photosynthesis research could have a majorsocial impact in the decades to come.