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Found 208 action(s)
Microbial Electrochemical Technology Commercialisation (MET-C)
Machine learning from computational materials science data for modelling nanocrystal catalysts (NanoCatML)
Mediterranean Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis Network (Medi-CaSE)
Group on Insect Nutrition: To Open Nutritional Innovative Challenges (GIN-TONIC)
International networking on in vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions (INFOGUT)
Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability in the Mediterranean: process understanding and services (MEDUSSE)
SENESCENCE2030: Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases (SENESCENCE2030)
Searching for Nanostructured or pOre fOrming Peptides for therapY (SNOOPY)
pan-EUROpean BIoGeodynamics network (EUROBIG)
Managing Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology (MAIA)