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Found 1466 action(s)
Biomaterials and advanced physical techniques for regenerative cardiology and neurology (BIONECA)
Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions (WearableRobots)
CliniMARK: ‘good biomarker practice’ to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers. (CliniMARK)
REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE)
European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect)
Control of Human Pathogenic Micro-organisms in Plant Production Systems (HUPLANTcontrol)
Chemical On-Line cOmpoSition and Source Apportionment of fine aerosoL (COLOSSAL)
MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence - tools for Forensic Science (MULTI-FORESEE)
Brillouin Light Scattering Microspectroscopy for Biological and Biomedical Research and Applications (BioBrillouin)
Modifying plants to produce interfering RNA (iPlanta)