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Found 1466 action(s)
The mETamaterial foRmalism approach to recognize cAncer (TETRA)
Non-chemical weed management in medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) (weedingMAPs)
Building Opportunities for Participation and Accessibility through lifelong community Mobility (BOPALiM)
Building Consensus on Biofilm Regulatory Decision Making (RegulatoryToolBox)
Bringing Digital Data and Reality Together - Augmented Reality in Forestry (ARiF)
European Network for the Integrative Approach of Urban Forestry (INTUF)
Fatigue Benchmark Repository (FABER)
pan-EUROpean BIoGeodynamics network (EUROBIG)
Developing Knowledge involved in diagnosis and control of human-diseases related to Pneumocystis (Delve-into-Pneumocystis)
Topological textures in condensed matter (Polytopo)