EURAXESS Georgia National Portal Inauguration


COST presented at the EURAXESS Georgia National Portal Inauguration, a pan-European initiative that delivers information and support to professional researchers.

On the 23/09, at the occasion of the inauguration of the Georgian platform of the EURAXESS network, COST was invited to inform researchers and innovators on the opportunities the programme provides for them. The COST presentation and workshop was part of a whole day online event, bringing together researchers, representatives of research-oriented organizations and different funding agencies in order to share information and experiences.

Georgia is a COST Near Neighbour Country whose researchers and innovators are actively using the COST Actions for engaging with their peers from Europe and beyond. There are currently 20 COST Actions running with Georgian participation.

Dr Inga Dadeshidze, science officer at COST Association gave a detailed overview of the COST Programme by also answering the question if and how it is key in the R&I internationalization process. Further to that she held a workshop with about 100 participants about Growing Ideas Through Networks – COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). The workshop participants could gain knowledge about COST, what opportunities it offered, how it is an efficient instrument for their research and research careers and most importantly, how to participate in the COST Actions.

More information about EURAXESS

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the European Union, member states and associated countries, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.