Standardisation has a positive impact on everyday life but awareness of the process and the immense value it brings are unknown to the majority of people.
Industry-led frameworks have brought together leading R&D companies, research institutes and development organisations, to successfully create innovations such as 4 and 5G technology. Joint working in this way leads to benefits for both corporations and consumers, creating improved performance of technology and lower cost products.
The recognition of effective standardisation for industry is growing. In October of this year, the Television Academy based in Los Angeles awarded an Emmy to The Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG, for their ground-breaking and game-changing work of lasting value to the television industry.
Professor Touradj Ebrahimi receiving the Emmy award on behalf of the JPEG Committee
The growth of European ideas
European Standards are considered a key instrument for the Single Market and for facilitating cross-border trade, which helps to strengthen the competitiveness of European companies and create economic growth.
Across the world, European standards and regulations are increasingly being adopted by companies, states and institutions. The growing adoption of European standards by the rest of the world demonstrates the influence of European regulation, as well as a shift in perception in the use and necessity of strong standardisation. This change has been attributed to a desire by policy makers to improve efficiency in many different fields such as privacy, safety, health, environment and innovation.
Action for standards
On the 28 and 29 November 2019, in Brussels, Belgium, the COST Connect event, “Action for Standards” in collaboration with CEN CENELEC and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, will address many key issues relating to the field of standardisation, including how to develop better synergies between COST Actions and standardisation activities.
The event aims to clarify why research should support the development of standards at an early stage and will showcase both good practices and challenges for COST Actions. The “Action for Standards” event will facilitate dialogue between 21 COST Action communities and their counterparts in standardisation bodies. The event explores ways in which the organising body should better facilitate the voice of research in standards at the pan-European level.
COST Connect
COST Connect are a series of thematic workshops organised by the COST Association, which provide an open space for researchers, policy makers and research and innovation (R&I) stakeholders to network and grow their ideas. It brings together a broad set of actors from the European Research Area (ERA) and beyond with the aim to stimulate and strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships.
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