Info Day in Moldova: a successful year of collaboration


On Friday 20 September, COST organised an informative day at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research in Chișinău, Moldova.  Around 70 researchers attended the event in which representatives of the COST Administration introduced the programme, and the practicalities and benefits of participating in COST Actions. Ms Olga Duhlicher, COST National Coordinator, presented the procedure for becoming a participant, while several Moldovan COST Action participants talked about their experience in a COST network.

In the context of this Info Day, Dr Primož Pristovšek, COST Head of Science Operations, met with Dr Elena Belei, State Secretary for Research, and Ms Tatiana Moraru, Head of the Directorate for Research and Innovation Policies. During the meeting, Dr Pristovšek presented how COST Actions are currently helping Moldovan researchers to take part in pan-European and interdisciplinary networks. Dr Belei recognised the role COST plays in creating opportunities for Moldovan researchers in the European Research Area. Both sides agreed COST provides key lasting links between the Moldovan research community and its counterparts in Europe.

Picture (from left to right): Ms Olga Duhlicher, COST National Coordinator for Moldova, Dr Elwin Reimnik, Data and Impact Analysis Officer, Dr Elena Belei, State Secretary for Research, Dr Primosh Pristovšek, Head of Science Operations, Ms Tatiana Moraru, Head of the Directorate for Research and Innovation Policies and Mr Christer Halen, Senior Administrator Science Operations. 

Dr Pristovšek commented:

“It has been almost a year since the Republic of Moldova became a full Member of COST, and we already see very tangible results of this membership. The number of Moldovan researchers involved in COST Actions is growing fast, and we hope that this growth will continue over the coming years. The enthusiasm I encountered during this Info Day has confirmed my impression that the Moldovan research community is motivated to become even more involved in COST and its Actions. I would like to thank Dr Belei for supporting Moldovan membership at COST, and for her commitment to enabling researchers to access research networks of excellence.”