Conversations Unscripted: A Gender Equality Initiative for Women in Technology and Politics


COST is please to announce the launch of Conversations Unscripted is a multistakeholder initiative that brings together European leaders to explore avenues to reduce the gender gap in the fields of politics and technology.

The text "Conversations Unscripted" above the logos of the following implementing partners: Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, Women in Tech, Women4Cyber, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), The Womenpreneur Initiative, Microsoft, and COST.

Through this platform we aim to address the challenges that women face in Europe in forging careers in politics and technology. By bringing together stakeholders committed to achieving greater gender equality and advocating for further empowerment of women in Europe, we aim to create an ecosystem that will enable open conversations on gender equality, storytelling, and personal growth and to identify potential solutions to bridge the gender gap in these key fields.

Initiated by Microsoft, COST joins seven other stakeholder organisations across the research and innovation field in this one-year project that will officially kick off with a flagship event ‘Minding the Gap: increasing women participation in policy and technology in Europe‘ on 12 October 2022 both online and in person in Brussels. Registration is now open.

"Minding the Gap: increasing women participation in policy and technology in Europe. October 12 2022 @ Microsoft Center Brussels"

Further information

Read more about Conversations Unscripted

Read more about gender equality at COST