LIVE BLOG: gender equality month 2023


This is a live blog collating together all of the gender-related COST Action activities

11 February is just round the corner when the research community comes together to celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, closely followed by International Women’s Day on 8 March, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Many COST Actions are planning activities to celebrate achievements and raise awareness on the issues that must be addressed to achieve equality.

Please get involved, support their activities, and spread the word. More content will be added over the coming days and weeks. If you are a COST Action with a contribution please contact the COST communications team

Publications & infographics

European network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR a Sustainable development (FUR4Sustain) highlight the gender balance in their Action and how women and men play a key role in the work of the network.

European andrology network– research coordination, education and public awareness (ANDRONET) have also analysed their gender balance against other COST Actions. They highlight that even for a network focused on male health, equality and diversity is important and they are proud to have a diverse group of researchers involved in the Action.

Text and with table "Gender equality. The COST policy actively promotes gender equality in all actions and networks. ANDRONET is taking this issue very seriously, so the Core Group member, E. Rajpert-De Meyts attended the COST Academy Workshop on Gender Equality in Research & Innovation, held in Brussels on 28 Oct 2022. The interesting programme provided advice how to better integrate women in traditionally ‘male’ branches of sciences, including andrology. How does ANDRONET compare to all COST Actions?" Insert table showing the % of women in all COST Actions compared to ANDRONET: Total representation: 48% all Actions, 54% (116/216) ANDRONET. Leadership positions: 52% all Actions, 46% (11/24) ANDRONET. Young participants: 49% all Actions, 64% (53/83) ANDRONET. ITC participants: 53% all Actions, 67% (68/102) ANDRONET.

The European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS) changed their website homepage to raise awareness of gender and equality for the month of Febuary and have published a gender inclusion action plan and gender statistics.


Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach (QG-MM) has prepared a survey regarding gender equality in their field.

Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance – Towards a transparent financial industry (FinAI) has prepared the survey ‘Fintech: A New Way for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion’.


To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March we published the success story of COST Action Women on the Move (WEMov), a transdisciplinary network of European researchers looking at historical and contemporary women’s labour mobility spanning six centuries to the present day. 

Making Young Researchers’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES) circulated a press release to introduce their network to the world. VOICES is a COST Action that aims to increase the visibility of inequalities faced by Young Researchers and Innovators (YRIs) from a gender perspective. On 14 and 15 February 2023, the network is also holding its annual meeting in Malta on ‘Voicing young researchers for the future of Europe: Trends, challenges and policies‘, where young researchers will hear about the problems they face in their scientific careers and discuss possible solutions


European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN) have created a YouTube Shorts and TikTok series to highlight why women should choose IT as a career, as explained by leading women in the field. As this Action’s goal is to attract more young people to Informatics and Computer Science, using a platform like TikTok is a great way to engage directly with their target audience.

The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach (EurofamNet) have a video to promote the RoMOMatterR project, a transnational European initiative that aims to tackle gender discrimination by empowering Romani girls in Bulgaria, Romania and Spain. In this video, Romani teenage girls from Córdoba (Spain) advocate for their dreams and for the resources they need to achieve them, while they send their recommendations to their communities, policymakers and other key stakeholders. Local activists, families, members from grassroots organizations, policymakers and researchers explain the process and send their messages of support to Romani teenage girls to envision their own futures and equipping them with psychological, psychosocial and community strengths.

Network for implementing multiomics approaches in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention and research (AtheroNET) produced a video series profiling the inspiring women researchers in their network, their expertise, and their movivations. Watch the full series on YouTube.

A network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning (G2net) released the short movie ‘Patterns – Signals from the Universe’ available in Spanish and English. Watch it below:

Social media


  • The European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS) organise the Webinar ‘Gender inequalities in study abroad participation and outcomes‘ on 22 February at 10am CET. Register here.
  • A network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning (G2net) participate in the event ‘Ciencia y cine llegan a Alicante‘ as organised by the University of Alicante on 15 February. The Action will give a short talk on G2net and discuss how female scientists appear in the cinema, this will be followed by a projection of the short movie ‘Patterns – Signals from the Universe’. Learn more.
  • Making Young Researchers’ Voices Heard for Gender Equality (VOICES) organise the conference ‘Voicing young researchers for the future of Europe: Trends, challenges and policies‘ in Malta on February 14-15. Learn more.
  • Letizia Jaccheri, Chair of the COST Action European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN), will be speaking at the webinar ‘Science, She Says‘ as organised by the Embassy of Italy to Egypt on 15 February. Register here.