Prof. Dr Sierd A.P.L. Cloetingh appointed President of the COST Association


Photo credits:Ed van Rijswijk

Prof. Dr Cloetingh is Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University. As Director of the UU Sustainability Programme, he holds a PhD in geophysics. He is also President of the International Lithosphere Programme, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal “Global and Planetary Change”, and Chairman of the collaborative research programme TOPO-EUROPE. He was elected member of Academia Europaea in 1994, which he has been leading as President since 2014. He was also a member of the ERC’s Scientific Council between 2009-2015. His extended CV is available on the Utrecht University website.

It is research networks that lay the groundwork for innovation in S&T. COST Actions are exactly what researchers need – open spaces that help them grow. It will be my pleasure and honour to bring my own contribution to this funding programme, as President of the COST Association ”, Professor Cloetingh added.

The President of the COST Association is responsible for the work of the CSO, which defines the COST programme’s strategy and drives all the Association’s activities. The President also guides the committee on the Association’s strategy and policy issues. According to the revised statutes of the COST Association, COST Full Member States will hold the rotating presidency of the Association, with each country proposing a CSO delegate for a two-year mandate. The Netherlands – currently represented by Prof. Cloetingh and Yvonne Schaap-Koenen – is the first country to hold the rotating presidency, followed by Portugal and France, respectively.