
Environmental Change Impacts and Environmentam Technologies - Activities and Recent Results

1997 | Action null

New Technology for Safe and Shelf-Stable Products

1999 | Action 97

Plant in Vitro Culture - Report of the 1991 Activities

1991 | Action 87

Management of Recreation and Nature Based Tourism in European Forests

2010 | Action E33

Wechselwirkung zwischen kriechen und ermüdung


Technische und wirtschaftliche beurteilung der programme fuer den duo-trolleybus-Schlussbericht Thema5

1985 | Action 303

Forest Reserves Research Network in Europe - Final Report

2000 | Action E4

Melanoidins in Food and Health Vol 1

2001 | Action 919

Phytoremediation of Trace Elements in Contaminated Soils and Waters - WG2 Workshop

2001 | Action 837

Management of Recreation and Nature Based Tourism in European Forests

2010 | Action E33

This book provides for the first time a Europe-wide overview on the state of the art of management of recreation and nature tourism in forests. It describes the current situation and conflicts in the different regions of Europe and provides solutions illustrated by good practise examples. It addresses traditions, differences and similarities in European forests as well as new tasks, goals and strategies. The final discussion provides a profound insight into future trends regarding forest recreation and nature based tourism.