
Forests, their Products and People - The Linkage between Forests and Forestry Products, COST, the fifth FP and the Society they Serve (2 copies)

1996 | Action null

The Economics of Green Care in Agriculture

2010 | Action 866

Carbon Balances of Bioenergy and Forestry Strategies

1996 | Action null

Urban Containment: The Italian Approach in the European Perspective

2011 | Action TU0602

Traitement des bous d'epuration

1974 | Action 68

Physico-chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants - Activity Report 1981


High Performance Wood Coatings Exterior and Interior Performance - Final European Seminar _ Volume II: Durability

2004 | Action E18

List of Participants

1985 | Action 72

Special Issue of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research: The Maillard Reaction in Food and Medicine

2009 | Action 927

Urban Containment: The Italian Approach in the European Perspective

2011 | Action TU0602
  • Author(s): Barbara Badiani & Maurizio Tira
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-387-4363-4

The book collects the contributions of the speakers and the participants at the conference “Urban containment. The Italian approach” (Brescia, 8th May 2008).

High Performance Wood Coatings Exterior and Interior Performance - Final European Seminar _ Volume II: Durability

2004 | Action E18
  • Pages: 100 pages

Proceedings of the Final European Seminar on “High Performance Wood Coatings Exterior and Interior Performance”, which took place in Paris, France on 26-27 April 2004.

Special Issue of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research: The Maillard Reaction in Food and Medicine

2009 | Action 927

The main topics addressed in this issue are first novel analytical techniques for the evalution of heat-treated dairy foods and for quantification of heterocyclic amines in plasma and urine. The second part is focused on two putatively harmful compounds found in heat-treated foods: furanes and acrylamide (AA). One contribution is focused on the effect of dietary Maillard reaction products on iron bioavailability in male adolescents.