
Vaccine - Reports of the Expert Panels


Le 5éme Programme-Cadre

1999 | Action null

Handbook on Hyperbaric Medicine

2006 | Action B14

Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe

2012 | Action 871

ECOSTBio: Explicit Control Over Spin States in Technology and Biochemistry - Special Issue in Chemistry: A European Journal

2018 | Action CM1305

Advances Materials for Temperatures above 1500C - Development of Testing Methods

1997 | Action 510

Forests in Mountainous Areas: Evaluation of Silvicultural Treatment - Summary Report

1996 | Action E3

Meteorological Applications

2006 | Action 718

Special Issue in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research

2009 | Action 927

Handbook on Hyperbaric Medicine

2006 | Action B14

The COST program is a European program aiming to implement and improve cooperation between European research teams in the field of Science and Technique. Thanks to the efforts of our Belgian colleagues, a specific action devoted to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Action COST B14) was launched in December 1998. Nineteen European countries, members or associated to the European Union, participate.

Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe

2012 | Action 871
  • Author(s): Agnes Grapin et al. (Eds)
  • Download PDF
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-898-0051-8

The Action wanted to improve and apply technologically advanced techniques for plant genetic resources conservation of crops that are grown and/or conserved in Europe with the main emphasis on long-term conservation through cryopreservation.

ECOSTBio: Explicit Control Over Spin States in Technology and Biochemistry - Special Issue in Chemistry: A European Journal

2018 | Action CM1305

This Special Issue coincides with the last meeting organized by ECOSTBio, taking place on April 9–11, 2018 in Berlin (Germany). This European network has been working since 2014 on tackling a diversity of chemical problems in which electronic spin is a key factor.

Meteorological Applications

2006 | Action 718

Special Supplement on Weather, Climate and Farmers.

Special Issue in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research

2009 | Action 927
  • Author(s): P. Simko (editor)
  • Publisher(s): VUP

This special issue of Journal of Food and Nutrition Research comprises some contributions from the final meeting of COST 927 Action which was held in Smolenice, Slovakia in October 2008.