
Processing and Quality of Foods Vol 1


Metabolic and Physiological Aspects of Dietary Fibre in Food

1995 | Action 92

Development of Integrated Systems for Large Scale Propagation of Elite Plants Using in Vitro Techniques

1998 | Action 822

Participatory Journalism: Possibilities and Constraints for Audience Participation

2014 | Action IS0906

The Establishment of the Beneficial Rhizosphere

1998 | Action 821

European Research towards Safer and Better Food

1998 | Action null

Avenues to Integration - Refugees in Contemporary Europe

1995 | Action C2

SaPPART Guidelines Performance assessment of positioning terminals

2018 | Action TU1302

Materials for Steam Turbines

1989 | Action 505

Participatory Journalism: Possibilities and Constraints for Audience Participation

2014 | Action IS0906
  • Author(s): Editor-in-Chief: Nada Zgrabljic Rotar (University of Zadar, Croatia) Guest Editor of the Special Issue: Igor Vobic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

In late modern societies, communication is shaped by concepts such as heterogeneity, fragmentation and individualisation. Social networking sites, blogs, and micro-blogs have recently joined the billions of websites enabling different individual and collective actors that are scattered across the locales to participate in public communication in a variety of unprecedented ways. These online forms of communicative engagement have also facilitated the ideas of the collaborative and the collective in contemporary journalism of traditional media organisations. The “people formerly known as the audience”, as Jay Rosen acknowledged almost a decade ago, have actively started to contribute to the on-going processes of creating news websites in mainstream media and became variously engaged in participatory journalism. Despite the fact that the idea of participatory journalism engages people both inside and outside the newsrooms to communicate, not only to, but also with each other, there have been indications of inclusivist, and also exclusivist principles and practices, of collective and collaborative news making. The different modes of audience participation in journalism have, in some cases, eliminated some of the traditional ideals in journalism, such as truthiness, the principle of objectivity, and a disinterest in the shaping of political life, and have replaced them with alternatives, such as deliberation, multiperspectivity, and participation in political life. In this sense, the ordinary people have with professional assistance captured and published through words, photographic, or video stories of worldwide significance, and have shared personal perspectives or particular views from their small communities on issues of a larger significance, thereby reshaping the dynamics between the global and the (micro-)local in public communication.The authors of the articles that have been included in this special issue of Medijska istraživanja/Media Research consider the possibilities and constrains of participatory journalism  to be the starting points of their explorations. The issue consists of five scholarly articles: one theoretical discussion on participatory journalism in the Internet age, and four case studies from the Netherlands, Slovenia, Serbia, and Belgium.Contents:EditorialIgor Vobi? Reconsidering Participatory Journalism in the Internet Age Igor Vobi?, Peter Dahlgren Available at:

“It really is a Craft”: Repertoires in Journalistic Frontrunners’ Talk on Audience ParticipationMerel Borger, Irene Costera Meijer, Anita van Hoof, Jose Sanders Available at:

Abuse of Online Participatory Journalism in Slovenia: Offensive Comments under News Items Karmen Erjavec, Melita Poler-Kova?i?Available at:

  Co-construction and Deconstruction of Poverty on Serbian News WebsitesJelena Kleut, Smiljana Milinkov Available at:

 Identity, Contingency and Rigidity: The (Counter-) hegemonic Constructions of the Identity of the Media ProfessionalNico Carpentier

SaPPART Guidelines Performance assessment of positioning terminals

2018 | Action TU1302

This document provides guidelines for generic test procedures for the evaluation of GBPT performance, either by field tests, simulations or their combination, in line with the concepts and definitions already established in the SaPPART White Paper and Handbook. The document is intended to provide the reader with a helpful tool for planning the GBPT testing procedures by discussing testing in general and providing some detailed practical information.