
Genetic Resources and Genes Improvement

1998 | Action 836

Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electrical and Electronic Apparatus and Systems

1999 | Action 243

Possible Health Effects Related to the Use of Radiotelephones - Project Final Report


Direct 1992/46

1992 | Action null

Sammlung der COST-abkimmen band 6

1991 | Action null

Mobile Sources of Urban Air Pollution

1999 | Action 313

Spreading the scope of convection models

2011 | Action ES0905

Growing Valuable Broadleaved Tree Species

2008 | Action E42

Road-mapping the Digital Revolution: Visions from COST Foresight 2030


Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electrical and Electronic Apparatus and Systems

1999 | Action 243
  • Pages: 209

Final Report of joint activity in the European Community COST 243 Programme.

Spreading the scope of convection models

2011 | Action ES0905
  • Author(s): Dr Jun-Ichi Yano
  • Publisher(s): International Innovation
  • Download PDF

Climate change and unpredictable weather patterns are a major challenge for meteorologists throughout

the world. Producing models that are sufficiently reliable and flexible is a goal that still eludes researchers,

but this may be about to change thanks to the novel approach proposed by the Core Action on Convection.

Road-mapping the Digital Revolution: Visions from COST Foresight 2030


From innovation triggered by user virtual communities to remote surgery and new financial instruments, the creative power of individuals is being fostered at proportions previously unseen. The main driver enabling such a pace of innovation, scientific progress, and user adoption is the Digital Revolution. One consequence is that interrelationships between science, technology and society are increasing in complexity and harder to understand. COST Foresight 2030 was an initiative encompassing a set of events designed to explore a multi-disciplinary vision for a future permeated and shaped by the digital revolution. The first of such events was a brain-storming workshop on Computer and Communication Sciences and Technologies, whose objective was to identify key technologies available by year 2030 and the corresponding benefits for Individuals, Society, and the World, in terms of Devices, Systems, and Services. The outcomes of this workshop will serve as the basis for experts in other scientific areas to envision how challenges in their respective disciplines will be tackled when such technologies are available. Such outcomes were presented at the IEEE VITAE conference.