
May I use the Phone - Seminar - Summary of Proceedings

1997 | Action 219

Mast Days and Euromar Market

1993 | Action null

Urban Forests and Trees - Proceedings No 1

2002 | Action E12

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behaviour and Processing

2015 | Action FP0904

Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae - Vol 40

2000 | Action E6

Wastewater Treatment and Plants as a "Green Liver": The European Approach, Experience and Trends

2001 | Action 837

Bio- and Material Cultures at Qumran

2006 | Action G8

Recent Developments in Swage Sludge Processing

1991 | Action 681

COST - Coopération Européenne dans le Domaine de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Vol 8

1996 | Action null

Urban Forests and Trees - Proceedings No 1

2002 | Action E12
  • Pages: 328
  • ISBN/ISSN: 92-894-1374-3
  • EUR: 19861

Proceedings No 1.

Bio- and Material Cultures at Qumran

2006 | Action G8
  • Pages: 296
  • Author(s): J. Gunneweg, C. Greenblatt, A. Adriaens
  • Publisher(s): Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN-10: 3-8167-7136-X | 3-8167-7136-X

Papers from a COST Action G8 working group meeting held in Jerusalem, Israel 22-23 May 2005
The present proceedings is divided into 3 sections: 1) Bio cultural investigations looking at the bio polymers that have been preserved in organic materials found at Qumran; 2) Material culture studies in the provenance of Qumran pottery and glass to learn who the “Essenes” have been in contact with the thermo-luminescence to date that pottery, furthermore the identification of textile fibres and organic dyes used to colour textiles that also may provide a C14 date for cloth found in the caves and the settlement of Qumran, whereas 3) Conservation studies on paper and DNA analyses of parchment and other organic remains from the Dead Sea region.