
Freight Transport Logistics

1993 | Action 310

Final Report and Annual Report for the period Jan-Nov 1988 Vol 1

1989 | Action 43

Survival of Entomopathogenic Nematodes

1999 | Action 819

Laboratory Manual for Chemical Analysis of Cheese

1999 | Action 95

Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Micro-Organisms Associated with Contamination of Poultry Meat, Eggs and Egg Products

1999 | Action 97

Transferability, Flexibility and Mobility as Targets of Vocational Education and Training

2002 | Action A11

Urban Heritage - Building Maintenance Final Report

2001 | Action C5

Interaction of Food Matrix with Small Ligards Influencing Flavour and Texture

1998 | Action 96

Effects of Antinutrients on the Nutritional Value of Legum Diets Vol 9

2000 | Action 98