
Transmision Automàtica de Datos Relativos al Transporte

New Radiotracers and Methods of Quality Assurance for Nuclear Medicine Application - Final Report 1992-97

EEA Cooperation in the Field of Research and Development - A Review
Zusammenarbeit COST - Ziele, structuren, wirkungsweise
Numerical Methods in Bioelectromagnetic Research
COST521: Corrosion of Steel in Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Pages: 355
- Author(s): P.A.M. Basheer, T.D. Sloan
Annual Progress Reports: 1999-2000, workshop held at The Queen’s University of Belfast August 28-31, 2000.
Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
- Pages: 285
- Author(s): Arne Wennberg
- Publisher(s): Arbetslivsinstitutet
- ISBN/ISSN: 91-7045-592-9
The main visible activity by which the Action fullfilled its goals was the organisation of workshops on the research topics. This book contains the COST 244bis Final Report as well as summaries from the workshops and other related reports.
Current Status in Biotechnical Functionalization of Renewable Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on Polymer and Textile Biotechnology
- ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-96679-01-2
The Final Publication of the COST Action 868 on Biotechnical Functionalisation of Renewable Polymeric Materials gives an overview on the activities carried out by participating institutions and international experts in this area.