

1994 | Action 315

Memorial Volume on the theme of Social Justice


Food Preservation by Combined Processes - Final Report


Veterinary Microbiology Special Issue: Chlamydioses

2009 | Action 855

Greenhouse-gas Budget of Soils under Changing Climate and Land Use (Burnout)

2007 | Action 639

Recommendations for the Algorithms Research Agenda in FP7


Ferroelectric Thin Films

1997 | Action 514

Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol

2014 | Action IS0802

20 ans de Recherche Scientifique (2 copies)

1994 | Action null

Memorial Volume on the theme of Social Justice

  • Author(s): Brian Williams
  • Publisher(s): British Journal of Community Justice, Vol. 6, Issue 2

Special Issue with 10 contributions offered by the COST Action Working Group on Evaluative Research


Veterinary Microbiology Special Issue: Chlamydioses

2009 | Action 855
  • Pages: 185
  • Author(s): K. Sachse, D. Longbottom, A. Pospischil
  • Publisher(s): Elsevier
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0378-1135

The contents of this special issue attempt to specifically asddress some of the objectives of the Action, particularly with regard to:
– the assessment of zoonotic risks associated with animal chlamydioses from a European perspective,
– the development, evaluation and harmonisation of new and existing diagnostic methods to enable epidemiological data to be gathered on a pan-Eureopan scal, and
– the quest for a better understanding of the host immune response to infection and disease pathogenesis to enable the rational design of improved diagnostics and vaccines, as well as the recommendation of efficient control measures.

Greenhouse-gas Budget of Soils under Changing Climate and Land Use (Burnout)

2007 | Action 639

The main objective of COST Action 639 is the improved understanding of the management of greenhouse gas emissions from European soils

Recommendations for the Algorithms Research Agenda in FP7

  • Pages: 23
  • Publisher(s): COST Office

The COST Strategic Workshop on Algorithmic Challenges in the Information Society was held in Brussels, on August 30-31, 2005.

The report on this workshop contains the main findings and recommendations of the workshop concerning the state of the Algorithmic research in Europe. The main areas discussed in the report are Massive Networks, Massive Data Sets, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Cooperating Selfish Agents, Hardware and Software Verification, Modelling Network Evolution and Dynamics, Modelling Distributed Systems, Autonomous Networks, like Sensor and Peer-to-Peer Networks, System Biology, and Automated Shape Recognition.

Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol

2014 | Action IS0802

This book analyses the status and prospects of the global governance of Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) in the aftermath of 2010’s Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD’s initial 1992 framework of global ABS governance established the objective of sharing the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources fairly between countries and communities. Since then, ABS has been a contested issue in international politics – not least due to the failure of effective implementation of the original CBD framework. The Nagoya Protocol therefore aims to improve and enhance this framework. Compared to the slow rate of progress on climate change, it has been considered a major achievement of global environmental governance, but it has also been coined a ‘masterpiece of ambiguity’. This book analyses the role of a variety of actors in the emergence of the Nagoya Protocol and provides an up-to-date assessment of the core features of the architecture of global ABS governance.