
LES and DNS of Ignition Processes and Complex-Structure Flames with Local Extinction

2009 | Action P20

Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Textile Related Products

2016 | Action MP1105

Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies

2010 | Action A35

Effects of Antinutrients on the Nutritional Value of Legume Diets Vol 2

1996 | Action 98

Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Agri-Food-Chain

2008 | Action 924

Non-Destructive Testing and Analysis of Museum Objects

2006 | Action G8

Restorative Justice Realities. Empirical research in a European context


Overview of the activities in the Domain of Telecommunications, Information Science and Technology

2002 | Action null

Optical Fibre Communication Systems - Final Report

1986 | Action 215

LES and DNS of Ignition Processes and Complex-Structure Flames with Local Extinction

2009 | Action P20
  • Pages: 147
  • Author(s): A. Boguslawski, C. Lacor, B. J. Geurts
  • Publisher(s): AIP
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7354-0726-8

The main goal of the workshop on LES and DNS of ignition process and complex structure flames with local extinction was to deliver a review of the state-of-the-art in this field. A number of leading European researches were invited to deliver keynote lectures in the field of LES and DNS of turbulent combosution, ignition and extinction problems. In addition, experimental investigations were presented that are crucial for the validation of advanced numerical models. The problems discussed during the workshop ranged from simultaitons of academic test cases like lifted jet flames, with simple geometry and complex structure, to ignition of liquid fuels in a full multi-sector combustor of an aeroengine and to spark ignition in piston engines. The variety of problems and methods presented during the workshop stimulated very interesting discussions among the academic and industrial participants.

Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies

2010 | Action A35

It goes without saying that agriculture is a form of colonisation of nature by society. In the course of history the articulation of natural and societal features gave rise to a wide variety of agrosystems within the boundaries of Europe which were embedded in supra-regional political and economic contexts at least from the High Middle Ages onwards. By following an integrative approach, this volume defines agrosystems as production systems based on the ecological and socioeconomic relations involved in the reproduction of rural societies at multiple levels. The authors explore the articulation of natural and societal factors through the prism of labour relations. The structural and practical organization of labour is seen as the crucial link between rural production and reproduction. Accordingly, the contributions focus on the rural household as the basic unit of production and reproduction in different temporal and spatial contexts. Therefore, the question arises if the changes in ecosystems and social systems have so fundamentally altered European agriculture up to now that peasant family farming will disappear (if it is no longer sustained by state intervention).

Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Agri-Food-Chain

2008 | Action 924

This Symposium was hosted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as an initiative of Working Group 5 of COST Action 924. The earlier Model-IT were organised in The Netherlands, New Zealand nad Leuven, and their results and publications by ISHS have shown that the tradition that started ten years ago is still attractive. For proper chain management, good and realiable predictive models covering all aspects of the food chain are necessary to control and optimise the food chain, going from farm to fork, with respect to quality and safety. This wide range was mirrored by the expertises displayed in the various conference contributions. Furthermore, the symposium offered the participants four workshops specially prepared for this occasion. We hope that these proceedings will be a source of inspiration to students and reserachers in industry and academia.

Non-Destructive Testing and Analysis of Museum Objects

2006 | Action G8
  • Pages: 238
  • Author(s): A. Denker, A. Adriaens, M. Dowsett, A. Giumlia-Mair
  • Publisher(s): Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN-10: 3-8167-7178-5 | 3-8167-7178-5

This volume provides a total of 24 peer reviewed papers as an overview of the work performed within COST Action G8 “Non-Destructive Testing and Analysis of Museum Objects” which ran from 2001 to 2006. This book is intended for all those interested in the benefit of non-destructive techniques, especially conservators, restorers, and art historians who will find examples of the applications of various analytical methods to art objects, ranging from metal artefacts through paintings and drawings to ceramics and stone.
The content will also be of interest to scientists working in research institutions who, whilst not having themselves a background in art or archaeology, often come face-to-face with issues related to cultural heritage which need specific scientific input to resolve particular problems. It is, over all, aimed at helping to bridge the gaps between the numerous players in this emerging multi-disciplinary field.

Overview of the activities in the Domain of Telecommunications, Information Science and Technology

2002 | Action null

COST-TIST covers all COST research activities in the field of Telecommunications and Information technologies, services and applications. COST Actions in this area have successfully contributed to the aims of the European Research Area by brining a large set of national, industrial and university research activities in the field together into a common framework of research objectives.