
Proceedings of the Third International Conference Postharvest Unlimited 2008

2010 | Action 924

Meteorological and Air Quality Model for Urban Areas

2010 | Action 728

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Berries: From Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality and Health

2012 | Action 863

Fog and Boundary Layer Clouds: Fog Visibility and Forecasting

2007 | Action 722

Poultry and Food Safety

1998 | Action 97

Children's Welfare in Ageing Europe: Volume II

2004 | Action A19

Critical Evaluation of Ternary Systems Vol 3

1998 | Action 507

Gender Inequalities, Households and the Production of Well-being in Modern Europe

2010 | Action A34

Indoor Air Quality & its Impact on Man - Report 1. Radon in Indoor Air

1988 | Action 613

Proceedings of the Third International Conference Postharvest Unlimited 2008

2010 | Action 924

The third international conference, Postharvest Unlimited 2008, organized by the Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering Postdam-Bornim, ATB under the auspices of COST Action 924 “Enhancement and Preservation of Quality and Health Promoting Components in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables” and ISHS was held at Humboldt Universät zu Berlin on 4-7 November 2008. Keynote speakers and authors of selected contributed oral presentations were given the opportunity to submit a manuscript for publication.

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Berries: From Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality and Health

2012 | Action 863

The papers contained in this volume of Acta Horticulture report the peer reviewed Proceedings of the International Symposium on Berries: From Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality and Health, organized on the occasion of the XXVIII International Horticulture Congress, August 22 – 27, 2010 Lisbon, Portugal. Keynote speakers and authors of selected contributed oral and poster presentations were given the opportunity to submit a manuscript for publication.

The following broad subjects were discussed at the symposium, and are represented in the more than 100 articles and reports that comprise this publication: Genetics and Biotechnology; Cultivars Evaluation; Physiology; Cultivation; Pathology; Quality and Health Related Compounds; Economics.

Fog and Boundary Layer Clouds: Fog Visibility and Forecasting

2007 | Action 722

This topical volume of the Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics utilizes new information not previously accessible for fog related research; it focuses on surface and remote sensing observations of fog, various numerical model applications using new parameterizations, fog climatology, and new statistical methods.

Children's Welfare in Ageing Europe: Volume II

2004 | Action A19
  • Pages: 834
  • Author(s): A-M. Jensen, A. Ben-Arieh, C. Conti, D. Kutsar, M. N. Ghiolla Phadraig, H. Warming Nielsen
  • Publisher(s): Norwegian Center for Child Research
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-82-7816-047-3

The new precariousness of the welfare state and the growing influence of the market, are challenging children’s life worlds, their everyday lives in families, schools, kindergartens and leisure areas. Demographic changes are leaving children vulnerable in the competition for public resources, access to space and use of time. Children
are marginal at the big stage of political and economic actors. They do not have strong interest groups to defend their rights to resources. But societies can not do without children’s contributions to society. Broad social changes call for deeper analyses as to the cultural blindness to children’s input to the societal fabric, and
their consequences for children. These country studies explore children’s welfare from available sources across European countries.

Gender Inequalities, Households and the Production of Well-being in Modern Europe

2010 | Action A34

This book explores the role of the family household in the production of well-being through labour – both remunerated and non-remunerated – as well as through the use of public institutions. The family mediates the relationship between individuals and the economy and its organization is a key means by which people experience material well-being (Horrell, Meredith and Oxley 2009: 94). Thus the book also considers the ‘distribution’ of well-being among members of the family household. It explores these themes within a European context, with essays focusing on both historical and contemporary situations. Another key focus is on

the role of gender in the production of well-being within the family. Feminist scholars have long pointed out the relevance of the unpaid work that goes on within the household to sustain processes of social reproduction. Care work and domestic labour remain unremunerated and unequally distributed by gender, so that women undertake the majority of this work. Some scholars have sought to identify, measure and value this labour and to see it as a significant contribution to well-being that is different from, but no less valuable than, market production (for example, Picchio 1992). Nevertheless, conventional approaches still tend to neglect the contribution of unpaid work to well-being and to interpret the family

as a homogeneous and systemic unit – a haven of benevolence and altruism that stands in sharp contrast to the competition and selfishness of the wider economy. Such perspectives ignore or obscure conflicts and inequalities in the distribution of resources between family members or within households.