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Meteorology Applied to Urban Air Pollution Problems - Final Report COST Action 715

2005 | Action 715

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Meteorology Applied to Urban Air Pollution Problems - Final Report COST Action 715

2005 | Action 715
  • Pages: 276 pages
  • Author(s): B. Fisher, S. Joffre, J. Kukkonen, M. Piringer, M. Rotach, M. Schatzmann
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-954-9526-30-1

This report describes the conclusions of the COST 715 programme on ‘meteorology applied to urban air pollution problems’. One of the key aims of European environmental policy is to improve air quality in European cities and urban areas. Given a certain level of emission and that adverse air quality conditions are mainly driven by specific meteorological conditions, one should be concerned whether urban meteorology is being treated properly in regulatory air quality assessments. This concern introduces real practical problems for the meteorological community. For example, some of the meteorological variables in regulatory air quality models are quantities that are not routinely measured, such as the surface flux parameters, or the mixing layer depth. COST 715 has tackled these problems. It has developed and reviewed the latest scientific approaches to describing the urban boundary layer, which has a complex structure involving wide variations in time and space.