
Activity Report (1997-98) of COST Actions in the Domain of Food Science and Technology

1999 | Action null

Solid and liquid properties of foods


Comparative Media Systems - European and Global Perspectives

2010 | Action A30

Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems

2015 | Action IC0806

Regulation of Voluntary Feed Intake in Fish - Report

1998 | Action 827

State-of-the-art Report, Vol 2

2003 | Action E13

Innovative utilization and products of large dimensioned timber including the whole forest-wood-chain

2008 | Action E40

Flexibilisierung in der Arbeitswelt am Beispiel der beruflichen Erstausbildng

2000 | Action A11

State-of-the-art Reviews - Proceedings of a workshop held at Godz Martuljek, Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 2 to 5 July 2000

2001 | Action E22

Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems

2015 | Action IC0806

This book describes the challenges that critical infrastructure systems face, and presents state of the art solutions to address them. How can we design intelligent systems or intelligent agents that can make appropriate real-time decisions in the management of such large-scale, complex systems? What are the primary challenges for critical infrastructure systems? The book also provides readers with the relevant information to recognize how important infrastructures are, and their role in connection with a society’s economy, security and prosperity. It goes on to describe state-of-the-art solutions to address these points, including new methodologies and instrumentation tools (e.g. embedded software and intelligent algorithms) for transforming and optimizing target infrastructures.

State-of-the-art Report, Vol 2

2003 | Action E13
  • Pages: 195
  • ISBN/ISSN: 92-894-49-2-X
  • EUR: 20610

This state-of-the-art report on “wood adhesion and glued products” was produced under the umbrella of COST Ation A13 (1999-2002).

Innovative utilization and products of large dimensioned timber including the whole forest-wood-chain

2008 | Action E40
  • Pages: 72
  • Author(s): A. Teischinger and E. Kastner
  • Publisher(s): BOKU
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1681-2808

The State of the Art report summarizes the work done within the COST Action E40 ‘Innovative utilization and products of large dimensioned timber including the whole forest-wood-chain’. It gives an overview about the stock of LDT which is available in various countries as well as the potential for utilisation and processing of this timber. Several projects carried out in the last years on this topic (especially in Germany and Austria) are described. Product ideas and advantages as well as disadvantages of LDT are summarized and evaluated.