
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ripening Regulation and Postharvest Fruit Quality

2008 | Action 924

Biotechnology of Soil - Monitoring, Conservation and Remediation

2000 | Action 831

Melanoidins in Food and Health, Vol 4

2003 | Action 919

Treatment and Use of Organic Sludge and Liquid Agricultural Wastes

1988 | Action 681

First Annual Technical Report

1990 | Action 507

Genetics of Entomopathogenic Nematode - Bacterium Complexes


A Practical Guide to Operating Broadband Instruments Measuring Erythemally Weighted Irradiance

2006 | Action 726

Methods for the Planning and Evaluation of Multiservice Telecommunication Networks - Final Report Appendix - Part 1

1988 | Action 214

Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 1998 - Abstracts

1998 | Action 501

Proceedings of the International Conference on Ripening Regulation and Postharvest Fruit Quality

2008 | Action 924
  • Pages: 244
  • Author(s): J. Streif, R. McCormick
  • Publisher(s): ISHS
  • Download PDF
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-6605-428-8

The international conference ‘Ripening Regulation and Postharvest Fruit Quality’ was organized within the framework of COST Action 924. The aim of this COST Action is the ‘Enhancement and Preservation fo Quality and Health Promoting Components in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables’. The meeting mainly discussed the recent innovations in controlled atmosphere technology and/or the use of chemical ethylene inhibitors as new tools for influencing ripening and quality preservation in climacteric fruit, but also stressed preharvest hormonal influences of fruit development and ripening. Nearly all oral and poster presentations are published after peer review in this volume of Acta Horticulturae.

A Practical Guide to Operating Broadband Instruments Measuring Erythemally Weighted Irradiance

2006 | Action 726
  • Pages: 21
  • Author(s): A. Webb, J. Grobner, M. Blumthaler
  • Publisher(s): OPOCE
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-898-0032-7
  • EUR: 22595

Produced by the joint efforts of WMO SAG UV and Working Group 4 of COST-726 Action “Long Term Changes and Climatology of UV Radiation over Europe”.