COST Annual Report 2020
With a challenging year and many initiatives taking place, this COST Annual Report 2020 highlights the positive developments that occurred as part of the Programme, as well as how COST Actions have acted and collaborated on COVID-19 research.
Inside are key facts and figures from the year, as well as success stories demonstrating the importance of COST for careers and scientific networks.

50 years of research networks
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) celebrates its 50-year anniversary.
This publication offers an extensive overview of COST in the last half century. It is a unique opportunity
to channel the voices of researchers and innovators both past and present through success stories,
testimonials and key milestones.

Communicating science in times of COVID-19
The COST Cross-Cutting Activity (CCA) on Science Communication brings together outstanding expertise
from over 50 organisations across EU Member States and beyond. Working to raise awareness of science communication and develop best practices for policy makers to stimulate research on science communication in Europe.
For this report a selective group of CCA Members were invited to provide their perspective on the role and relevance of science communication during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Common for the contributions are their focus on new approaches to science-based communication as an essential prerequisite for addressing contemporary health challenges as they cut across disciplines and stakeholders.

COST Actions against COVID-19: An interdisciplinary network
Since March 2020, multiple COST Actions have approached the COST Association wanting to collaborate with other Actions on COVID-19 research. In response to these requests, and to make the networking process smoother, COST produced the booklet ‘COST Actions against COVID-19, An interdisciplinary network’, with details of all of the Actions wishing to connect and collaborate

Targeted impact assessment on career development
The Impact Assessment Study commissioned by the COST Association to ERDYN and ZSI in January 2019 aimed to evaluate whether participation in COST Actions has positively impacted the careers of researchers and innovators.

Impact of networking
Did you know that many COST Actions result in societal and scientific impact? Find out more about it in this publication!

Annual report 2018
Discover the impact of our networks and much more in the COST report of 2018.

Annual report 2017
Building bridges of excellence for young researchers is the title of the 2017 COST annual report. This report puts particular focus on the COST Programme as a springboard for young researchers.