Research in Forest Reserves and Natural Forests in European Countries

Activity Report of the COST Technical Committee on Materials 1997-2000

Migration -Europe's Integration and the Labour Force Brain-drain - National Report Lithuania

Refrigeration Science and Technology - Proceedings

COST Recueil des Accords Vol5 1987-88

Report to the Senior Officials by the COST Ad-hoc Working Group on Environment - Appendices

COST G7 Workshop - Use of Lasers in Conservation and Conservation Science: REPORT
- Pages: 145 pages
Abstracts of the COST Action G7 Workshop on “Use of Lasers in Conservation and Conservation Science”, which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 17-18 November 2005

Low-Exergy In The Built Environment - Insights From The COSTeXergy ACTION 2007-2012
- Pages: 93
- Author(s): Masanori Shukuya, Hedzer van der Kooi, Herena Torio, Adriana Angelotti, Dietrich Schmidt, Adam Rybka, Yannick Vande Casteele, Lieselot Christiaen, Elisa Boelman, Poppong Sakulpipatsin, Sabine Jansen, Adriana Angelotti, Paola Caputo, Christopher Koroneos , Ioannis Kalemakis, Marco Molinari, Gudni Jóhannesson, Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Mueller, Pekka Tuominen, Bram Entrop, Alberto Lazzarotto, Jo Stefens, Zygmunt Wiercinski , Aldona Skotnicka-Siepsiak, Pier Giorgio Cesaratto, Michele De Carli, Giuseppe Emmi, Toshia Iwamatsu, Hideo Asada , Angela Simone, Mateja Dovjak, Jakub Kolarik, Lisje Schellen, Bjarne Olesen, Aleš Krainer, Jørn Toftum, Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt, Marcel Loomans, Martin de Wit
- Publisher(s): Klimapedia
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This book brings together papers written by young and senior researchers who contributed to the COSTeXergy Action through participation in and organization of training schools and short term scientific missions.
Authors and their contributions span a wide range of disciplines, from building and mechanical engineering to chemistry, thermal comfort and energy economics. This diversity is reflected in a rich variety of approaches and styles in a compilation of 27 papers on exergy in the built environment.
The individual papers are clustered into five chapters, introduced by chapter editors, dealing with: (1) exergy related definitions for the built environment; (2) methodologies and tools for exergy analysis of buildings; (3) exergy as a sustainability indicator; (4) innovative
technologies, case studies; (5) methodologies and evaluation of human body exergy

The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected
- Author(s): B. Sapio
- Publisher(s): University of Udine
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